There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 190,793,466 Issue: 586 | 15th day of Running, Y15
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Tricky Tarla

by _blackmoons_

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The Haunted Faire
The wind was howling as she pulled up to the dank, grey iron gates. All around her, darkness took hold...

by summerisle


Sir Reginel and the Case of the Secret Admirer
While the lettering on the door was backwards from where I was sitting, to people standing it front of it the words were clear: "Sir Reginel; Private Investigator".

by coco_bella


Random Oddness: War of the Obelisk
War? Who cares, it's KANRIK!

by mistyqee


How the Peophin Got Its Name
A long time ago, when Neopia had just begun, there lived a species of majestic neopets called armoured Unis.

by stefanie2994

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