Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 191,275,577 Issue: 599 | 14th day of Relaxing, Y15
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword archetype

Week - 587

Dungeon Break
by archetype
Description: In which gruel is served, Cellblock is played, and someone orchestrates an elaborate escape.

Week - 596

PC Archetypes
by marzipan
Description: To the person who doesn't know a single thing about the PC - this is for you. To the weather-beaten PCer, this something written about you; it's time for a seasoned PCer to expose what the PC really is about.

Week - 597

Acquisitions Specialists: Part One
by archetype
Description: From the journals of Brynneth of Brightvale, Captain of the Guard of Her Majesty Faerie Queen Fyora...

Week - 598

Acquisitions Specialists: Part Two
by archetype
Description: Brynn caught up with Hanso at the bottom of the palace steps. "What is wrong with you?" she asked, a little concerned.

Week - 599

Acquisitions Specialists: Part Three
by archetype
Description: Brynn peered out into the empty desert from the Qasalan gates. "Right, the guard said we just keep the sun on our left until we hit the river, and after we cross that we'll be able to see Sakhmet in the distance."

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