Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 191,275,577 Issue: 599 | 14th day of Relaxing, Y15
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword irasshai

Week - 582

On the 15th
by irasshai
Description: At least there's chocolate to eat...

Week - 588

Natural Enemies!
by irasshai
Description: Have some tact.

Week - 592

by irasshai
Description: From the most profitable shop

Week - 598

Team Spirit
by irasshai
Description: and pretentious Neovians

Week - 599

Petpets are friends, not food
by irasshai
Description: but vegetarian dishes taste pretty good too!

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Seasonal Foods of Neopia: Vegetables
If you're a health nut like me, you know that fruits and vegetables are very important in your diet.

by blessed_faerie


A Pirate's Tale: Dark Lullaby - Part One
Leglus felt like he'd been swimming for days. Xweetoks, he decided, pirate or not, were just not made to swim...

by kandeegrrl


The Draik in Black: Pictures of Darkness - Part Five
Troy was prepared this time. 

The Lupe stood in front of Jack's home while the sun was shining and the sounds of other pets going about their business could be heard in the distance...

by dr_tomoe


Pet Problems - Hide and Go Seek
Perhaps Hide and Go Seek wasn't the best idea...

by smilie99


Petpets are friends, not food
but vegetarian dishes taste pretty good too!

by irasshai

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