Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 191,668,856 Issue: 615 | 4th day of Collecting, Y15
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword bug0704

Week - 562

Tales From Elysian Fields: The Demon Drink
by bug0704
Description: If Myrvin had one wish, it would be this: To move as far away from Mystery Island as possible.

Week - 596

Tales From Elysian Fields: The Little Guys
by bug0704
Description: You can't chart relics of a time yet to come — an opening into the dark matter before us. Free from the shackles of reality, you are about to take a walk in Elysian Fields.

Week - 599

Tales From Elysian Fields: My Dolly, Poe
by bug0704
Description: The summer sun is shining bright as Gaz pulls the last of the party supplies from the pool house attic and onto the patio table.

Week - 615

Tales From Elysian Fields: A Modern Scauderwelsch
by bug0704
Description: Knock before you pass through the wooden Shenkuu doorway, as it belongs to Mister Kan, the rather unpleasant corporate executive officer of the Imperial City's top fortune cookie manufacturer, the Lucky Pandaphant.

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