Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 191,690,617 Issue: 616 | 11th day of Collecting, Y15
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Wez's Pets

by wezzled

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The Derpnuggets
Never trust'th a jester.

by neojedi11


Mission Control... We Have a Problem...
They'd landed on the small island about a week ago. Sensors at the space station had detected a small, previously undiscovered island just west of Shenkuu.

by viiangel


Troubled Past - Nox: Part Two
I stayed much longer than I had intended to, because I was using the library again. Necromancer. What was that?

by karen_mckenzie


Agent of the Sway: Betrayal - Part Four
"Our agents in Neopia Central have already begun circulating rumors. My contact has directed Brucey towards the great Gebmid and Dr. Sloth's camp - by all accounts, the doctor should breach the tomb soon and then we will be underway."

by herdygerdy

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