Meow Circulation: 191,690,617 Issue: 616 | 11th day of Collecting, Y15
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New Series

On a Island: Part One

The SS Peaceful really needed a good repair. The sails looked as if they never were fixed properly. The wooden boards on the ship creaked and moaned like a hungry kadoatie...

by tabascosoup
The Legend of the Sea Spirit: Part One

"So," he declares haughtily, "we meet again, old friend. What are you in for this time? War crimes? Plotting against the King? When will you learn, you old coot..."

by griever
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Shopping Guide to Neovia

It's fall again and no trip to the Haunted Woods is complete without visiting Neovia. A spooky, yet upscale place to shop, dine and live. Neovia is a peaceful town surrounded by the Haunted Woods. The town used to be cursed however and its inhabitants turned to monsters. Luckily the town...

Other Stories


His Last Blast
The barren and desolate landscape of Kreludor was the only thing to greet him as he landed. Grey, rocky, and wasted land continued on for as far as the eye could see.

by pillarbox


The Eating Contest
"Lil' bro... we're going to have an eating contest!"

by melina322


I Want to Be a Faction Leader - Part Two
Now we'd like to introduce you to the other three respectable leaders; they deserve the same importance as the ones we worked on last week!

Also by martia_elior

by amarillida


A Shopping Guide to Neovia
It's fall again and no trip to the Haunted Woods is complete without visiting Neovia.

by firedragon1333


Cavities: PB&J Cookies
Always check before you eat.

by thegoddesofxweetok1


A Question of Loyalty - Part 1
What're you doing here so late?

by crainwater

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