For an easier life Circulation: 191,805,153 Issue: 621 | 15th day of Storing, Y15
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To Many to Count

by annnoel

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Celebrate Neopets's B-Day!
The Snowager loves cakes!

by eilitha


Happy Birthday, Neopets!
I thought about all the cool occurrences that have happened to me on this site.

by indulgences


How to Master the Waves in Shenkuu River Rush
The purpose of the game is to surf through the entire river by avoiding rocks, logs, and mastering the sharp turns and drops that are lovingly thrown at you...

by racerfishy


In The Heat Of The Moment: Part One
"There has never been one single reported case of the Snowager having eaten anybody."

"Well, that's only because it's difficult to make a report... when you're being digested!"

by horripilated

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