Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 191,805,153 Issue: 621 | 15th day of Storing, Y15
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In The Heat Of The Moment: Part One

"There has never been one single reported case of the Snowager having eaten anybody."

"Well, that's only because it's difficult to make a report... when you're being digested!"

by horripilated

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Happy Birthday, Neopets!

The 15th November is the most important day of the year because it's time to celebrate Neopets's Birthday! Our Neopets would like to be perfect on this day so we thought of three different birthday-themed customisations using only multispecies neopoints wearable items. Are you ready for the party? Keep reading our article and maybe you'll find some interesting ideas to create your own outfit!

Other Stories


Presumably Safe
"I've never been to the Lost Desert before!" The little Zafara bounded excitedly from one stall to another.

by almedha


"Look, Clover." Melissa leaned over and held her Baby Gelert up to the window. "It's snowing."

by meadows_lark


Year 15 Through The Eyes Of Neopians
Another year has gone by in Neopia and it was a memorable, intense one.

by rospetta


How to Throw The Perfect Birthday Bash
Our mission here is to help you filter your guest list down a little bit by telling you whom you should not invite to your birthday bash.

Also by bha288

by drobit


The 'Grave Danger' is Miscommunication
You always wonder what they're REALLY thinking.

by tana1135293490934


A Question of Loyalty - Part 6
The Resistance!

by crainwater

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