A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 192,017,692 Issue: 627 | 10th day of Sleeping, Y16
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Grocery Shopping With Glumpkin

by ragecandybar

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Good King Hal
"I rule over them, setting such a fine example; how could they not but be fine folk?"

by racoon188


The Traveller's Note
A lone traveller walked quickly through the rain along a roughly cobbled pathway, cautiously patting a pocket inside a large coat...

by ameliorates


Adventures and Such at Camp Batterfly: Part One
Zita had refused to wake up at 6 AM on the first day of summer on principle. Now she was sorely regretting it. They were already twenty minutes behind schedule, and the blue Moehog hadn't even finished packing yet.

by crabcake123


Worth Fighting For: Part One
"Oh, this will be the greatest Grundo Independence Day Hyren's ever known!"

by cosmicfire918

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