Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 192,017,692 Issue: 627 | 10th day of Sleeping, Y16
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A Question of Loyalty - Part 12

BOSS! Are ye alright!?

by crainwater
The Best of Intentions: Holiday Season (5/5)

Never. Ask. That. Question.

Also by bha288

by 0123kl

Aisha Soup: How to NOT Lose NP

How to explore the Haunted Woods without losing any neopoints!

by the_shii
Easy Come, Easy Go!

Something has happened!

Art by suchacutie15

by ramotswe

Tumble Dry

Way to be a jerk, King Roo.

by rissy123
Problems with Invisible Petpets

Hop in!

by fr0zenpeanut
The Petpet Trouble

Petpets can't exactly speak... Can they?

by c_h_a_n_g_e_l_i_n_g
Strange Hobbies

The Brain Tree is scary... right?

by mmmmmm_candy
Why Mother

is this even winter.

by crazysamehh
Grocery Shopping With Glumpkin

Clean up on aisle three...

Idea by pudao

by ragecandybar

Newbie Situation

Bought my first Draik!

Idea by sonnenscheinchn

by nightwish_faerie

Grumpy Old King

He'll really laugh at just about anything.

by waternymph12
Sakhmet Solitaire

Maybe I should start playing something else.

by alliieennss
Contrast: Family Issues

B-but this time it's not my fault! ... right?

by jojomoonless
Got Neo?

So THAT'S where the omelette has gone...

by mochi_cannon
A Delectable Wocky?

Looks good.

by treeword
Barnaby the Lupe

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." This, however, has absolutely no relevance to this comic.

by caelum_apple
Reality of REs: Screaming in the Rain

In case of REs, bring an umbrella.

Also by oracle419

by ribbonpig

Search the Neopian Times


"Adventures and Such at Camp Batterfly" by crabcake123
It wasn't that Zita didn't want to go to camp. She had been reading and rereading the brochure since Lenka had signed her up in February. There was swimming, cookouts, archery! It sounded like so much fun! She was just a little nervous, that was all. No one she knew was going to camp...

Other Stories


Just Misunderstood
Ya know, it isn't a walk in the park to be a Slymook.

by maddymoo


The Adventures of Peppermint
Peppermint stood in sheer awe with her nose pressed to the window of her shop. Outside was a world of magic and wonders that she had never seen before.

by noxlyx


Winter Celebration: 12 Backgrounds for the Winter Chills
The top six neopoint and neocash backgrounds that are sure to keep your pet happy as can be in the snow during the long wait for spring to arrive.

by andrewo94


Winter is Coming – Two Winter Customisations
It's time for this season's customizations!

Also by pacificana

by dragoonhunter682


Deeper: Part Seven
"Thank goodness that is finally over," I complained as I sprawled on the sofa in the office. We had just come back from another meeting.

by kristykimmy


Second Chance: Part Five
"Crazy?" He laughed a wheezy, broken laugh. "The whole world is crazy, Brynn. And it's all thanks to me!"

by liouchan

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