Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 192,063,087 Issue: 628 | 17th day of Sleeping, Y16
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword lockord

Week - 560

Misconceptions at the Habitarium
by lockord
Description: Wheee!

Week - 578

Perils & Gold: The Vagabond - Part 1
by lockord
Description: Teeth is delighted to see her brother Viishus return home from his long journey.

Week - 579

Perils & Gold: The Vagabond - part 2
by lockord
Description: Viishus runs into trouble in the Warf Wharf... that is, until someone lends a hand.

Week - 580

Perils & Gold: The Vagabond - part 3
by lockord
Description: Lock, the vagabond, decides to help Viishus out.

Week - 581

Perils & Gold: The Vagabond - part 4
by lockord
Description: Lock gets closer to the family. After some deliberation he decides to leave before he gets too close.

Week - 582

Perils & Gold: The Vagabond - part 5
by lockord
Description: In the end, Lock decides to stay and realizes that having a family isn't so bad.

Week - 628

Some Treasures are Better Left Untouched
by lockord
Description: More adventures to come...

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Something Has Happened!
No worries, there were no strawberry Kougras injured during the making of this comic!

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