Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 192,755,061 Issue: 660 | 29th day of Hiding, Y16
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword asparagation

Week - 485

Escape the Volcano
by asparagation
Description: In this game you fly as Glubgar and guide him through the often thin volcano tunnels, past geysers, fireballs, and scorching rocks, all the while trying to gather valuable gems.

Week - 571

The Discovery of Woodland Creatures
by viperlina
Description: I had just climbed up a rather steep mountain, and on peering down I found the most gorgeous sight! Crystal clear waters, a soft gentle breeze, lush vegetation and abundant sweet scented flowers!

Also by asparagation

Week - 624

How to Tame Edna's Shadow
by asparagation
Description: In this game, it's your task to help Edna and her shadow to collect potion ingredients to escape the dungeons and reunite with each other.

With help from viperlina

Week - 626

An Interview with the Oracle
by asparagation
Description: After months of asking, the Oracle has finally agreed to divert some of her attention from the obelisk to give this interview today...

Week - 660

Completing Assignment 53
by asparagation
Description: Hi there, recruit! Your assignment is to help Arlhox VII, Supreme Commander of the Alien Aisha invasion force...

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The Warrior Princess
Many don't know of the small kingdom that lies in the shadow of the mountain that is Shenkuu.

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Little Ghost
Sloth has feelings too, ok.

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