Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 192,755,061 Issue: 660 | 29th day of Hiding, Y16
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New Series

Deception, Suspicion, Alliance and Missions: Part One

Pacing his office, Lunor pondered over the recent events. How was he going to pull this one off?

by absdafabs
Legal Legend: Turnabout Beginnings - Part One

Heroes defend the innocent. That is where I come in.

by anti_guy
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"Names" by geniusbulb
They are sending her away now, the Nimmo who was just zapped Purple. The name she has is barely a name: it's a long string of consonants that no one can pronounce. And she wasn't here long enough for me to learn a nickname. She was adopted yesterday. She'll be abandoned again today...

Other Stories


Something Special
I don't like my paint color.

by quomblr


Vira's Friend
The flower withered into a dark, shriveled shape. Vira threw it to the ground and stomped on it...

by sushicat1__20


Moon Rock Rampage - The Guide!
Don't think it will be easy, because it won't. You'll have to dedicate some time to this game...

by megamak


How to Smash Writer's Block
A guide to any aspiring Neopian Times fiction writers out there.

by greyshe_wolf


Life Is Hard 8.0
When you're worth stones.

by scathachs


That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles
ChumNugget was once a Maraquan Buzz!

by pikemaster1

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