Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 192,769,819 Issue: 661 | 5th day of Gathering, Y16
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We found the following 10 result(s) for the keyword absdafabs

Week - 294

Fyora's Fashion Secrets
by absdafabs
Description: Ever wanted to look so beautiful? Now you can!

Week - 299

Soup Faerie Wonders
by absdafabs
Description: Ever wondered how she gets all of those ingredients?

Week - 352

Why Write For The Neopian Times?
by absdafabs
Description: Is it really worth all that huge amount of effort?

Week - 440

Campaign Against Money Tree Pollution
by absdafabs
Description: We have to act today to save tomorrow!

Week - 470

The Revenge of the Pant Devil
by absdafabs
Description: I opened the front door expecting to see the happy Christmas figure of a Bruce. Instead, Montu had tears streaming down her face.

Week - 475

We Wish You a Meepy Christmas
by absdafabs
Description: "Very nice, now go away!" Eric slammed the door in their hopeful faces. Good riddance!

Week - 547

Sinister Side of Faerieland
by absdafabs
Description: As I flicked through copies of Rainbow Fountain Secrets and Faerie Crossword Book, I noticed a shadowy figure lurking towards the back of the shop...

Week - 649

Cooking Lessons for Neopets
by absdafabs
Description: Upon entering the room, I was confronted by a scene of such devastation that I decided, there and then, that my Grundo would never again be allowed to cook.

Week - 660

Deception, Suspicion, Alliance and Missions: Part One
by absdafabs
Description: Pacing his office, Lunor pondered over the recent events. How was he going to pull this one off?

Week - 661

Deception, Suspicion, Alliance and Missions: Part Two
by absdafabs
Description: In their cheap tuxedos and suffocating ties, Lunor and Blint looked quite the part as they sat down to play Cheat.

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