The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 192,769,819 Issue: 661 | 5th day of Gathering, Y16
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Poor Coltzan

Not even ghosts who 'live' in a desert are spared!

by oddmavis
Attic Attack

Neopians learn that all good things must come to an end.

Idea by kbbob

by l_like_animals

Pucker Up!

Many Mortogs were asploded in the making of this comic.

by msjanny
The Flycatcher

How hard can it be to catch a fly?

by leites
Plushie Pun

Time for some cake?

by hazardragon
Avatar Problems: Brightvale

So close...

by khakio_21
Bread and Butter


by _epiphany_
What Owner?

I'm short for jokes on this one...

by riurisu
Heroes Have Got Style

They can be fabulous too!

by saudadesdagripe
Tasty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

How can you eat that?

by ypput
Odd Logic: Yes Food :D

This is why pets are so eager to battledome.

by catt315

Shut up and take my dubloon!

by winner19955
Creepy Voice, Loving Friend

Just cause you you look scary doesn't mean you have to be.

by xweetok2430
Fishing Tips

Dough you find this funny?

by classicmess
133984: Let Them Eat Cake, part 4


by lycaonpictus77
Adventures in Wheels Pt. 1

Wheel of Extravagance

Also by taz_241590

by pandorasiohma


What the Neopet sees:

by reayla
Random Oddness

Dartenne, master detective.

by mistyqee
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"The Wilted Winter Flower" by lollypop789321
Baelia yawned and stretched towards the icy ceiling above her. The young water faerie was still sleepy, and the icy air outside the comforting warmth of her quilt was poor motivation to get out of bed. She turned over and went back to sleep. Five minutes later, a resounding door slam woke her once again...

Other Stories


The Gallery Keeper
The best day of my life began at the pound.

by pixiegirl667


A Day in the Life of an Aisha
"One round-trip Uni to the Lost Desert, please," she asked the Gelert at the Transportation Desk.

by goodsigns


The Kadoatery: New Time System Explanation
I am here today to explain to you the new time system.

by vitorplemes


Can You Make A Million In A Month?
I wanted to see if the premise was flawed, or whether it actually was possible to make a million neopoints in one month.

by swimmingstar01


Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Of Beauty and Brawn - Part Three
"Why so quiet?" Kristy asked as she started squishing the tomatoes in the pan to make them give up their juices. "Bad day at work?"

by kristykimmy


Children of the Lonely Stars: Part Three
"I've got arti-grav – artificial gravity – once we're in flight. You'll want to stay strapped in until I say, though."

by saphira_27

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