A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 192,828,868 Issue: 663 | 3rd day of Collecting, Y16
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What Not To Feed

by taz_241590

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Coal War Tactics: A Neopian Times Guide
Choose a side and join the battle underground! It's time to learn some Coal War Tactics!

by ub3r_g00b3r


Worth Searching For: Part One
"Look out!" With a whistle and a bang, fireworks shot through the narrow alleyway.

by cosmicfire918


She and the Spectre
For the sixth day in a row she finds herself going to work--why six? Why today, a Saturday, of all days to work?

by nativsis


Deception, Suspicion, Alliance and Missions: Part Four
The black ninja costume had been concealing a dark and dangerous secret...

by absdafabs

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