Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 192,828,868 Issue: 663 | 3rd day of Collecting, Y16
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Something Has Happened!

Kocrel is just a little bit silly sometimes.

by msjanny
A Lupe's Thoughts!


by sarah2396
The Plan: Part 2

She saw through my plan.

Also by fallentemplis

by ssjelitegirl

What Not To Feed

Oh, kadoaties.

by taz_241590
The Harsh Reality for Mutants II

Can I see your ID?

by ottoshift
Aisha Soup: Art Block

Ughhh.hhhh.hh.h..... .___.

by the_shii
Kiss the Mortog


Also by megamak

by leites

Before the Rainbow Fountain, They Improvised

I can work with that!

by pancakesatthedisco
133984: Let Them Eat Cake, part 5

Have you been at this for long?

by lycaonpictus77
Boochi Surprise

Oh no!!!!!

by ozsheila061
Wheel of Knowledge

More like Wheel of Ignorance...

by sparkleunisterii
Picky Eaters

If it were up to me they'd all eat stinky old boots.

by aestheticbulwark
One Reason You've Got to Love Neoquest II

Random events...

by junis19
Biscuit Troubles

Why you don't let your pets starve...

by saraid0
Edna's Quest

Ever wonder about those odd quest items?

by daingtwins
Paint Brushes

Why do they hum?

by cuku1902

Games and puns are quite a match!

by classicmess
Weighing Your Chances

Hopefully everyone has better luck tipping the scales in their favour.

by kumobear_sirius
Superchia Squad (Part 1)

Protectors of Chias everywhere

Idea and dialogue by abductee

by frozenicicles

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The Toy Box Escape Uni

"No Hope of Recovering Toy Box Trapees." Yes, many years ago, Dr. Frank Sloth trapped a handful of Myncies, Shoyrus, Kougras, Scorchios, Kacheeks, and a Uni in an evil toy box of doom. Only recently did these poor neopets finally escape. Today, I met up with that Uni and got the inside scoop about what...

Other Stories


Rose vs. Rosie
"Dr. Death didn't retire!" the Quiggle exclaimed. "It was all an April Fool's joke!"

by vanessa1357924680


The New Yooyu
Slimes the Plushie Slorg waited near the window for his owner, Ed. He could hardly contain his stuffing; once Ed got home, he would be able to play with him!

by goodsigns


Ultimate Bullseye II – Ultimate Headaches
I am here today to share my most frustrating UBII moments as consolation for fellow lovers of this Meridell pastime that almost definitely have experienced the same situations.

by bullysqueen


All The Guides We Want TNT To Create!
Here is a list of all the guides that I, as well as my fellow users, want TNT to create!

by indulgences


A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing: Part Two
Sierra took a deep breath. "I'm joining... the Sway."

by dogz_rock_98


Deception, Suspicion, Alliance and Missions: Part Four
The black ninja costume had been concealing a dark and dangerous secret...

by absdafabs

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