Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 192,951,128 Issue: 667 | 31st day of Collecting, Y16
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Forgotten Halloween Costume

by cinnamon_girl

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The Expedition of Walter Wesley: Part Five
"Know them?" he said. "One of them is like a sister to me, and the other is the bravest shop assistant I have ever met."

by 2_andromeda_8


Hubrid's Hero Heist: In-Depth
Making your way through 36 different levels, your final objective is to rescue a total of six heroes from Hubrid Nox.

by saudadesdagripe


Samuel's Tricky Treat
He coughed heavily as his mother tried to force a steaming spoon of syrup down his throat.

by shadyy15


Little Red With a Rhubarb Pie
There was a sweet little Usul named Gilly who always wore her favorite cape of red velvet...

Written in collaboration with dark_angel_ds

by the_lady_j

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