Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 193,052,220 Issue: 677 | 23rd day of Sleeping, Y17
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We found the following 14 result(s) for the keyword chasing_stars44

Week - 664

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Missing - Part One
by chasing_stars44
Description: "I'm sorry, but the Hidden Tower is closed until further notice," Fyora said. "You two have to leave right now."

Week - 665

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Missing - Part Two
by chasing_stars44
Description: Remember when I said that we can't tell anyone that we're detectives? Yeah, well one Neopian knows. That would be Natia.

Week - 666

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Missing - Part Three
by chasing_stars44
Description: "We should really talk to her about it."

"Talk to who about what?"

What do you know, right on schedule.

Week - 667

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Missing - Part Four
by chasing_stars44
Description: "How about we go down this way?" the alien Aisha asked.

Jane and I looked down the stairwell. We were unsure if we should go down there. It seemed pretty dark.

Week - 668

Trouble in Paradise: Giveaway
by chasing_stars44
Description: Aren't Meepits...

Week - 669

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Rattled Witnesses - Part One
by chasing_stars44
Description: "Do you understand him?" I asked Jane. 

"Not one word," she replied.

Week - 670

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Rattled Witnesses - Part Two
by chasing_stars44
Description: "What do you think we should do? We let the only leads to cracking this thing wide open literally walk away!"

Week - 671

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Rattled Witnesses - Part Three
by chasing_stars44
Description: "It would explain all the damage, why everyone who witnessed the crimes were so shaken up, and why there was no clues pointing to a Neopet."

Week - 672

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Rattled Witnesses - Part Four
by chasing_stars44
Description: "Try not to destroy each other," Jane agreed. "At least wait until after we get out of here."

"And what if we don't get out of here?" I asked.

Week - 673

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Rattled Witnesses - Part Five
by chasing_stars44
Description: "What if we get caught?" Jane asked me. "We don't have an invitation. Oh, and what if Malkus finds us? Then we'd be in even more trouble, if such a thing existed."

Week - 674

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Rattled Witnesses - Part Six
by chasing_stars44
Description: "Yeah, great idea blowing the whistle," Kell said sarcastically.

Week - 675

Trouble in Paradise: Neovia
by chasing_stars44
Description: Tura: 1 Kawaii: 0

Week - 676

What Would Happen If
by chasing_stars44
Description: Neopia has had a very colorful history.

Week - 677

What Avatars Should You Collect?
by chasing_stars44
Description: Many have a preference of what they like to collect. So what avatars should you be going after?

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