Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 193,064,531 Issue: 678 | 30th day of Sleeping, Y17
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Kiko Snacks: Stamp-a-holics

by fadedangel91

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How the Desert Was Lost - Part Two
Nen and Blob have landed somewhere familiar, but something is missing.

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Dinner with the Scarlets: Nigel's Fantasy Continues
Time to rethink what you had already rethought about Nigel's tech. Check out Issue 641 to learn about Nigel's sweet ride.

by june_scarlet


Friday: Just Hysterics
Far away in the land of heroes and legends lay Meridell, an almost forgotten medieval kingdom.

by vanquishee


The Path: Part Four
Fyora led them to a large room on the top floor of her castle. She put a beautiful golden key in the lock and opened the large door...

by sakura_dreamer

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