Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 193,064,531 Issue: 678 | 30th day of Sleeping, Y17
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Short Stories


"There," Moira sighed, blowing the smoke off of her hands. Planting flowers was a lot of work, especially if done by magic.

Also by rielcz

by flufflepuff

The Wallet: A Play in One Act

Setting: A quiet afternoon at the Grand Neopian Lodge. There is a circular table surrounded by four chairs three feet from the check-in counter.

by havittaa
Phylesia: The Truth

There was a war that was between the Vandagyres and the Faeries.

by heartachexoxo
Roll for Initiative

It was a crisp Storing evening in Altador, and it was raining, and Dark_breed_Hyren was doing his best not to catch a cold.

by cosmicfire918
Unexpected Ice

When I said I wanted to go to Terror Mountain for vacation, I didn't mean this.

by johannabelle2009
Baby Brother

July cut herself off when she saw what Candace was holding. Not a big bundle of goods for selling, but a little bundle of something wrapped in a blanket. "What's that?"

by themaybird
Friday: Just Hysterics

Far away in the land of heroes and legends lay Meridell, an almost forgotten medieval kingdom.

by vanquishee
Search the Neopian Times


"Baby Brother" by themaybird
She heard her owner come through the door. "Candace, you're home! Did you--" July cut herself off when she saw what Candace was holding. Not a big bundle of goods for selling, but a little bundle of something wrapped in a blanket...

Other Stories


The Case for More NT Item Prizes
Many Neopians enjoy reading the Times as well as, or instead of, creating for it.

by ellbot1998


Underappreciated Yooyus
Do you feel underappreciated? These Yooyus do.

by goodsigns


Life Through the Eyes of a Lab Rat: Part Two
After staying so long with Helen, it was hard for me to be alone in the pound again.

by _biimy


To Space!: Part Seven
"I enjoy being different. Don't you?"

by 77thbigby


Daily Problems
Petpets don't have the best attention span.

Also by jessica_sweetie8

by johannabelle2009


Perils & Gold: The Wanderer - part 4
Lock and the gang realizes that the wanderer is not the true monster... something else is.

by lockord

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