The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 193,467,272 Issue: 689 | 10th day of Swimming, Y17
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword mustang1772

Week - 532

A Guide to Anti-Valentine's Day
by mustang1772
Description: Instead of a day full of love, pink, and happiness, you simply change it to a day of doom and gloom. And black; lots and lots of black.

Week - 686

In Defense of Overfeeders
by mustang1772
Description: There is a certain rush that appears every time you refresh and witness a slew of hungry kadoaties in front of you. The thrill that comes when you beat your opponent to the kadoatie of your choice cannot be replicated anywhere else on Neopets.

Week - 689

Flaunt Your Nerdiness: A Customization Guide
by mustang1772
Description: I’ve compiled a simple list of items to help you get started. My theme this week is geeky chic. The title of nerd was once a shameful nickname, but now it is worn as a badge of pride. The nerd subculture has grown tremendously over the years. Now your neopet can also revel in their own nerdiness with a wide array of wearables. Perhaps you can even sport matching pocket protectors, eh?

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Great stories!


The Definitive Guide to Fyora Fashions
As one of Neopia’s leading fashionistas, leading leaders, and the biggest advocate of the colour purple, it is not difficult to see why one would want to emulate the Queen Fy. However, with so many wearable options lately, this has become quite a challenge. Well, fear no more! If you are a fan of the Queen and want to show your pride on your sleeve, quite literally, mix and match the following pieces in this guide to create the ultimate Fyora fan outfit!

by oreo2135


Sewage Surfer
Good, wholesome fun.

Also by furafa.

by msjanny


Mother's Balloon: Part Five
"But how will I live without you? If you cannot stay, then I must go with you."

by dewdropzz


Open Shore
The sky was still pink with sleep when Xurray went down to the beach. Early that morning the Custard Blumaroo had stared into her bathroom mirror, wondering what beauty there could be in a face that no longer had anyone to admire it.

by swordlilly


Trouble in Paradise: Heat
Afterwards, I gave Kawalaii and Avalanches a stern talking to because laughing at Beeki was wrong.

by chasing_stars44

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