There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 193,472,657 Issue: 692 | 31st day of Swimming, Y17
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We found the following 10 result(s) for the keyword arkwright

Week - 591

Architecture of Neopia: Maraqua
by arkwright
Description: Maraqua is the only place in Neopia that produces Maractite – most commonly used in forging weaponry; it is also a key material in structural support, as it is a substance stronger than an iron girder.

Week - 603

Architecture of Neopia: The Lost Desert
by arkwright
Description: Sakhmet Palace itself is the true gem of the Lost Desert, in my humble opinion. From miles around, the glittering onion dome is visible – made all the brighter by the dazzling sun.

Week - 607

Architecture of Neopia: Brightvale
by arkwright
Description: Brightvale, neighbour of the larger Meridell, is in my opinion the cultural capital of Neopia. One need only sample the vivid architecture to feel a sense of this.

Week - 642

Architecture of Neopia: Meridell
by arkwright
Description: As a scholar of architecture, I couldn't visit Brightvale and not take a look at Meridell. It is the vastly larger region to the east of its twin, famed for its simplistic way of life.

Week - 648

Architecture of Neopia: Virtupets Space Station
by arkwright
Description: As I boarded the space shuttle taking me away from my little home Neopia, and watching it disappear into the blackness of the starry space that floods it into insignificance... I could not help but feel small.

Week - 685

Architecture of Neopia: Neovia
by arkwright
Description: The architecture is probably the most important aspect of cultural life in Neovia and it displays its own unique style unheard of before

Week - 688

Architecture of Neopia: Shenkuu
by arkwright
Description: Shenkuu, situated to the North of Altador is the only empire in Neopia. However this title of ‘empire’ is largely ceremonial as the far reaching surrounding mountains that previously made up smaller imperial settlements have been grouped together as Greater Shenkuu.

Week - 689

Architecture of Neopia: Altador
by arkwright
Description: To a scholar of Architecture, Altador is without a doubt the pre-eminent land in Neopia. The prevailing style is known as “classical”. For this reason, I ventured to the ancient land where the sultry evening streets are alive, with warming smells and crackling fires heating takeaway speciality hot dogs and fancy fig pastries. The architecture of this realm is often overlooked in favour of the annually held Altador Cup.

Week - 691

Architecture of Neopia: Moltara
by arkwright
Description: The architecture of Moltara is unique for three main reasons. First of all, it was borne out of pure practicality and scientific inquiry, secondly it has been shut off from the rest of Neopia for thousands of years and thus has remained unchanged, and finally it is able to withstand incredible temperature and pressure.

Week - 692

Architecture of Neopia: Terror Mountain
by arkwright
Description: Scholars of architecture must also understand that of all the lands in Neopia, the lands of Terror Mountain are some of the areas which have undergone the most dramatic architectural changes in recent years, such that modern day Terror Mountain appears almost unrecognisable from the original.

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