Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 193,522,177 Issue: 694 | 14th day of Hiding, Y17
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword new_perspective

Week - 683

Stealing the Spotlight
by lizzbear_
Description: Take my avatar!

Idea by new_perspective

Week - 690

The Three Stages of AC
by new_perspective
Description: Let's face it, we all go through them.

Week - 694

Jelly Chomby and Why Commas are Important
by new_perspective
Description: There's a difference, folks!

Also by mike11695

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Great stories!


Mother's Balloon: Part Ten
The blue Yurble turned with a jerk, catching the brown Kougra red-handed. "Paws off!" she barked, snatching the tube out of his hand. "Look what you've done now. I barely had enough as it was!" "Nonsense, you've got plenty there." He shook the yellow tube upside-down, and shrugged his shoulders when he felt nothing inside. "Listen Midge, I'm worried about Reyela tonight." he said, announcing the purpose of his interruption.

by dewdropzz


Blossoms~ Retry Part 4

by twillieblossom


What... Bad timing?

Also by leites

by megamak


Since an early age, he showed all those around him that he was not destined to be a farmer, much to his parents' delight. All his life he had been taught about honour and had learned that there was a profession in which Neopets could help others, defend them and fight for honour: Knighthood.

by mabi1234


Fruits of Brightvale
his article will serve to highlight a few of Brightvale’s best berries, for the berry enthusiast, or for those who are interested in all things Brightvale.

by cheriipie

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