White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 193,522,177 Issue: 694 | 14th day of Hiding, Y17
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword yashasvika

Week - 691

The Tale of Coco Metrone
by yashasvika
Description: The real backstory behind the life of Coco Metrone!

Week - 692

5 Super Easy Game Avatars
by yashasvika
Description: Those exclusive game avatars. Most people wait until the end to get those because they are stereotyped as being the most difficult to obtain. Well here are some easy games that will let you get the avatar in no time.

Week - 694

10 Best Summer Drinks from the Coffee Cave
by yashasvika
Description: For all coffee and tea lovers!

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Meridell or Brightvale?
I’ve decided to teach Clopina and everyone reading at home about Brightvale and Meridell. Hopefully by the end, anyone considering moving to either land can gain knowledge before making any decisions.

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Aisha Avalanche
Petpets can be SO silly sometimes...

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Restocking Problems - Got Haggle Edition
Ah, nevermind!

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