The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 193,540,341 Issue: 696 | 28th day of Hiding, Y17
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We found the following 24 result(s) for the keyword dewdropzz

Week - 541

Claare Should Be Grateful...
by dewdropzz
Description: The only thing I don't like...

Week - 566

Claare's List Of Underappreciated Neopian Heroes
by dewdropzz
Description: Today I would like to draw attention to these people, with hopes that they'll soon be recognized for what they've done, and continue to do.

Week - 569

Love Builds A Robot
by dewdropzz
Description: All is quiet in Neopia at 6:30 am. It's Sunday morning, the sun is just beginning to rise and at this hour, most Neopians are still asleep. Not you, though.

Week - 576

Half Baked
by dewdropzz
Description: "Nonsense! It's never too cold to swim. As long as you're in an indoor pool."

Week - 578

Ready To Give
by dewdropzz
Description: Couldn't the bad weather have waited until after the Day of Giving?

Week - 586

A Faerie Like Me
by dewdropzz
Description: I couldn't stop thinking about the day I met the famous faerie. Do you remember, diary? It was last summer, shortly after we moved to Meridell....

Week - 588

Claare's Wonderful Things To Do With Neggs
by dewdropzz
Description: What's not to love about the mysterious and incredibly interesting objects with a remarkable resemblance to eggs?

Week - 594

Maeryc and the Wishing Star: Part One
by dewdropzz
Description: Wooden cutlasses clashed. Heavy boots stomped through the late spring snow of Terror Mountain. Captain Fearless, the most notorious seven-year-old pirate in the world, was engaged in a raging battle against his arch nemesis, the dreaded Captain Red Head.

Week - 595

Maeryc and the Wishing Star: Part Two
by dewdropzz
Description: "It makes sense, I suppose," she thought. "I lived in the sky all my life, and you could see everything from there. But I never saw a petpet that could actually talk to a neopet."

Week - 598

What I Love About Bob: Part One
by dewdropzz
Description: He's Bob the plushie warf, and he's my very own petpet. Seeing as it's Petpet Appreciation Day, I figured it was about time I showed Bob how much I appreciate him.

Week - 599

What I Love About Bob: Part Two
by dewdropzz
Description: Bob got bored quickly. I actually thought he was asleep, sprawled out there on the grass, until I saw his tail wag, and his ears perk up.

"What do you hear, Bob?"

Week - 602

My Friend the Cupcake Faerie
by dewdropzz
Description: "What in Neopia is a cupcake faerie?"

"A faerie who makes cupcakes, obviously."

Week - 685

Mother's Balloon
by dewdropzz
Description: She jumped for it... That was the day Reyela's life changed.

Week - 686

Mother's Balloon: Part Two
by dewdropzz
Description: The sky was so blue it was blinding. Or perhaps it only seemed that way to a girl whose eyes were not used to seeing colour so vibrant and pure.

Week - 687

Mother's Balloon: Part Three
by dewdropzz
Description: Reyela hoped she didn't make the wrong decision by calling out to the Kougra. She had acted so impetuously. What would she say when the Kougra asked where she had come from?

Week - 688

Mother's Balloon: Part Four
by dewdropzz
Description: The walk to the barn from the Worthington's house was quite a long one, down a winding dirt path, over hills and past the corn field. For as long as the journey was, it could never be long enough for the scarlet Draik who knew that her worst nightmare was waiting for her at the end of the road.

Week - 689

Mother's Balloon: Part Five
by dewdropzz
Description: "But how will I live without you? If you cannot stay, then I must go with you."

Week - 690

Mother's Balloon: Part Six
by dewdropzz
Description: The startled Vacana calmed down in an instant when he heard the sound of his owner's voice. He perked up his ears and trotted over to the Kougra, his stubby tail swishing back and forth like a Dogelfox about to get a treat

Week - 691

Mother's Balloon: Part Seven
by dewdropzz
Description: The Worthingtons went to work, but their houseguest remained in her seat. She did not try to help this time around, and she wondered if she ever would again. Her hands hurt too much to hold a knife to slice cheese or butter bread, and even if she was able to carry her own plate to the table, she would probably just drop it and smash it on the floor, and then everyone would step on the pieces, and would end up dropping their dishes as well.

Week - 692

Mother's Balloon: Part Eight
by dewdropzz
Description: Joyful sounds of laughter were carried in on the wind, but it was the wafting smell of a chocolate cake baking slowly in an oven that awakened Reyela's senses, and alerted her of the fact that the day had started without her.

Week - 693

Mother's Balloon: Part Nine
by dewdropzz
Description: Reyela looked from Kougra, to Kougra, to Yurble hoping for an explanation of the oddness that was unfolding before her eyes. She was provided with nothing of the sort, until the party began to move again and she got to speak to Medis.

Week - 694

Mother's Balloon: Part Ten
by dewdropzz
Description: The blue Yurble turned with a jerk, catching the brown Kougra red-handed. "Paws off!" she barked, snatching the tube out of his hand. "Look what you've done now. I barely had enough as it was!" "Nonsense, you've got plenty there." He shook the yellow tube upside-down, and shrugged his shoulders when he felt nothing inside. "Listen Midge, I'm worried about Reyela tonight." he said, announcing the purpose of his interruption.

Week - 695

Mother's Balloon: Part Eleven
by dewdropzz
Description: "Meat pie, meat pie! We're having meat pie! Ma's having meat pie, Pa's having meat pie! Caleb, Medis and I are all having meat pie!"

"Bettina, have I ever told you I know a surefire way for you to bring world peace?"

"Aw, don't say it." Caleb chastened Hannah, who was holding her ears and groaning. "It's her birthday, she should be able to sing if she wants to."

Week - 696

Mother's Balloon: Part Twelve
by dewdropzz
Description: Reyela ran into the wind, her bare feet sinking into the moist ground with every lunging step she took. She had left the Worthingtons' house in such a hurry that she had forgotten to put on her shoes. She supposed they would always have them now. They could keep them at their front door, and look at them from time to time in remembrance of the girl whom's heart they won, and then tore apart with their lies and hidden truths exposed.

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Backpacking On A Budget - Part 2
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Celebrate Grundo Independence Day – IN STYLE!
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I Was Wondering...
It's poisonous, sir.

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Kass Basher Troubles

Also by tarake_7_7_7

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