There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 193,552,674 Issue: 697 | 3rd day of Gathering, Y17
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We found the following 16 result(s) for the keyword swimmingstar01

Week - 640

Pounded and Proud
by swimmingstar01
Description: Hello, my name is Anonymised, and I'm a Proud Pound Pet.

Week - 641

The Next Goal
by swimmingstar01
Description: "I think we'd better get a move on; someone is pretty excited!" Kai apologised to the bank manager.

Week - 642

What To Do With The Crystal Neggs?
by swimmingstar01
Description: As everyone gleefully dashes around Neopia with arms full of plastic and patterned neggs, another type of negg beckons for our attention.

Week - 644

Here's To The Hoarders
by swimmingstar01
Description: It's no coincidence Neopia's latest daily has hoarders celebrating.

Week - 645

It's Good To Be Bad
by swimmingstar01
Description: Oh, that's both of them yelling. This could be fun.

Week - 646

The Cross-Painted Curse: Part One
by swimmingstar01
Description: "What's happened? I thought you were at the games room?" I'm really concerned. Her eyes have gone all Angry Meepit on me.

Week - 647

The Cross-Painted Curse: Part Two
by swimmingstar01
Description: It took me a week to work up the courage to leave the house...

Week - 648

The Cross-Painted Curse: Part Three
by swimmingstar01
Description: That second week being a cross-painted pet was the worst.

Week - 649

The Cross-Painted Curse: Part Four
by swimmingstar01
Description: As the battle raged around the mysterious Obelisk, the battle at home had reached a standstill. None of us wanted to set Lorelai off...

Week - 650

The Cross-Painted Curse: Part Five
by swimmingstar01
Description: As fighting for War For The Obelisk raged on, our family fell apart.

Week - 651

The Cross-Painted Curse: Part Six
by swimmingstar01
Description: I stare at Kai, my heart in my mouth. I don't know what to say, and it appears, she doesn't either. The silence stretches between us, as we both search for something to say.

Week - 655

The Art Of Procrastination
by swimmingstar01
Description: "I-er-well- it's a surprise!" he blurted out, before beating a hasty retreat to the sanctuary of his room.

Week - 661

Can You Make A Million In A Month?
by swimmingstar01
Description: I wanted to see if the premise was flawed, or whether it actually was possible to make a million neopoints in one month.

Week - 664

Those Kadoatie Feeders
by mandypandy667
Description: Why would you feed them for?

Also by swimmingstar01

Week - 682

Pen-Pals: Prexfyre and Salerio
by swimmingstar01
Description: Please write soon, I'm so so bored stuck at home!

Also by coloridge

Week - 697

After ACX: Part One
by swimmingstar01
Description: When it comes to the Altador Cup, there is no shortage of comment pieces from a wide variety of sources. But in every story, one viewpoint is missing. This is that missing viewpoint.

Part One - Snow

Also by lil_em06

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The Discovery of Brightvale -- A Celebration
Splendid banners of green, white and gold hang proudly in every doorway. Tapestries and all manor of decoration imaginable adorn the walls of every hall. A grey Kougra in a smart black suit walks through the halls of Brightvale Castle, his dress shoes clicking on the cobblestone floor with every hurried step he takes. As he rounds a corner, he slows his feverish pace, and takes a moment to re-collect himself at a large, wooden door.

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Uncover the Mystery: Mystery Island in a Weekend
Summer is coming to an end, but before getting school starts up again why not take on more long weekend getaway? Peak touring season is over in Mystery Island so now is the best time to go, prices are low and so are the crowds! Here is a comprehensive guide to getting there, back, and everything to do in between to get the most out of your last hurrah.

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The Gallant Return of Kathryn and Tobin: Part Two
Finally the morning of the trip arrived. Tobin and I ran home from school as fast as we could, I because I was excited, my brother because he wanted to check for the eight millionth time that he had everything he needed packed. When we burst through the door, we found David and Gina standing in the kitchen with Mom.

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Through the Woods: Part Two
Kanrik and Jazan had been walking for quite a while, the two waving their torches around for better light. All they saw were endless trees and bushes, with the occasional petpet hopping past. Other than that, the place felt eerily abandoned; the silence only disturbed by the sounds of leaves and their footsteps.

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