Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 193,565,809 Issue: 698 | 11th day of Gathering, Y17
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword tennesseethomas

Week - 694

Rhoasy’s Raddest Restaurants #1: The Soup Kitchen
by tennesseethomas
Description: Its time to put my thoughts to pen and paper and let you Neopians know the best- and worst- of the food all over the world of Neopia. Remember: I ate it so you didn't have to!

Week - 696

Rhoasy's Raddest Restaurants #2: Hubert's Hot Dogs
by tennesseethomas
Description: For this trip, we’re wandering into the Neopian Bazaar to try our hand at Hubert’s Hot Dogs- the best place to snatch a hotdog in the whole of Neopia. This place is fast food at its finest- and when I say fast food, believe me, I mean it!

Week - 698

Rhoasy's Raddest Restaurants: Cafe Kreludor
by tennesseethomas
Description: This week, as promised, I’m strapping on my moon shoes and heading to Kreludor, Neopia’s only moon, to try the most recommended restaurant by all my Grundo buddies- Cafe Kreludor!

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Usuki Singing Stars #25: Publishing Problems
“At last, I’ve finally finished!!” Sparkles shrieked, waving five sheets of paper above her head triumphantly. The pink Bruce dashed out of her bedroom, clambered down the stairs and stormed into the living room with her finished piece of work gripped firmly in her hands. “Oh Scary, you won’t believe what just happened!” she exclaimed, her voice squeaking excitedly.

by downrightdude


You Missed!

by editorial


For the Love of Yooyuball
The sun beat down from a clear blue sky, not a cloud in sight. Not a breath of air, either. It was the first game of the day and Delma was already sweating. She felt like she would melt into a puddle. She was thankful that games of Yooyuball only lasted three minutes.

by 77thbigby


The Traveling Neopian: Neolodge Reviews: Stop #10
Sigh. That was my last recap. But everyone is really more interested in the articles, so I guess it’s about time that I get this show on the road for the very last time. AstroVilla is very different from the other hotels. For one thing, it’s a giant sphere paneled with enormous wall-to-wall glass windows. Another thing; it’s in space.

by cadetbush


At the Battledome: vs Space Faerie - Part 1
Get ready for a slumber party

by winner19955

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