teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 193,565,809 Issue: 698 | 11th day of Gathering, Y17
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The Background for the Chocolate Ball

The Chocolate Ball has a unique background featuring different kinds of chocolate items. If you've ever wondered what these items are, their names and what they're made of, this list will give you all the answers. There are eighteen different items, so let's dive in and check out these tasty treats!

by aleu1986
Autumnal: Top Five Autumn Items Guide - Wigs

Get to know about the top five Autumn items in Neopia!

Also by morifoy

by sosunub

How to Pick a Petpet

You just got a new pet, and now they need the right petpet. Luckily, this guide will help find their perfect companion.

by scechoi
Backpacking On A Budget - Part 4

Welcome to the fourth instalment in my series on travelling around Neopia without spending a fortune. The last article finished as we were leaving Moltara and heading towards Shenkuu. If the weather is amenable you have a good chance of reaching Shenkuu in time for the New Year Festival.

by equinewhispers
Dubloons - An All Time Low!

Greetings fellow Dubloon buyers and sellers of Neopia! During your busy buying and selling lives here on Neopets have you noticed a significant decrease in the price of dubloons? I'm almost postive you have, though this issue may have faded into the back of your mind.

by kimi10552
The Care and Keeping of Robot Neopets

Do you own, or want to own, a Robot pet? If so, this article is for you. Robot pets are high maintenance, after all. One short-circuited wire and your pet is in for a very pricey visit to the robo- veterinarian. This quick guide to the care and keeping of Robot pets should help you avoid turning your pockets inside out to pay for repairs. Ready?

by dearmoviegoers
The Traveling Neopian: Neolodge Reviews: Stop #10

Sigh. That was my last recap. But everyone is really more interested in the articles, so I guess it’s about time that I get this show on the road for the very last time. AstroVilla is very different from the other hotels. For one thing, it’s a giant sphere paneled with enormous wall-to-wall glass windows. Another thing; it’s in space.

by cadetbush
All The Famous Kaus of Neopia

Kau Day was a long time ago, but we think it is always the right time to bring all the Kaus to the spotlights! Well, that's exactly what we tried to do by writing this article: we decided to make a Top 5 of the Most Famous Kaus of Neopia.

Also by realidade

by sky_lady

Rhoasy's Raddest Restaurants: Cafe Kreludor

This week, as promised, I’m strapping on my moon shoes and heading to Kreludor, Neopia’s only moon, to try the most recommended restaurant by all my Grundo buddies- Cafe Kreludor!

by tennesseethomas
Doughnutfruits: The Techo's Tantalizing Treats

As Techo day approaches, the minds of Neopians everywhere turn to famous Techos across the globe, such as the Techo Master, Dr. Death, and that crazy Techo Fanatic who pierces everyone's poor eardrums at the Altador Cup. However, one Techo often overlooked is the Tropical Foods shopkeeper on Mystery Island.

by _brainchild_
Search the Neopian Times


Techo's Treats

As Techo day approaches, the minds of Neopians everywhere turn to famous Techos across the globe, such as the Techo Master, Dr. Death, and that crazy Techo Fanatic who pierces everyone's poor eardrums at the Altador Cup. However, one Techo often overlooked is the Tropical Foods shopkeeper on Mystery Island. He takes immense pride in creating the most dazzling tropical dishes, sure to delight anyone's taste buds.

Other Stories


Mission KatFL
OPEN: KSSMO history files
OPEN: file no. 23-543-12, file name: mission records
OPEN: subfile no. 12, subfile name: closed missions
OPEN: mission name: KatFL, mission status: FAILED
VIEW: read-only, mission no. 355222
VIEW: subfile C: description of the failed mission KatFL, taken via dictation, ver batim, from those involved

by theschizophrenicpunk


Downtime With Dr. Sloth
Just a peek into the life of our famous ruler when he's not ruling.

by vanillafilth


The Warrior Princess: The Coronation: Part Three
Cole watched as Terrence left. Clarity looked upset, but said, ”Mara is back and she’s coming for me. I’m going to leave so she’ll follow me away from the kingdom.” Cole began to panic because he needed his sister for his plan to work. Cole shook his head. ”No. It can’t be true."

by purplbrooke


Dances With Werelupes: Part One
“This is an outrage!” Blynn679 backhanded the front page of the Neopian Times. The Disco Zafara’s magenta tail lashed behind her in frustration as she paced around the library of her family’s Altador villa. Her Faerie Draik brother edged over her shoulder to look at the headlines. “What’s an outrage?” ArPharazonTheGolden asked. “This!” Blynn pointed to the largest text on the page: PREPARATIONS FOR ANNUAL CHOCOLATE BALL UNDERWAY.

by cosmicfire918


Mispronunciations of Neopia: Pteri
What's a pea tree?

Idea from lennekegirl123

by table


Can I have a petpet?
Sometimes finding the perfect petpet can be tricky.

by _clement_

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