Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 193,626,794 Issue: 703 | 16th day of Collecting, Y17
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword luv4free

Week - 459

The Perils of Kass Basher
by luv4free
Description: When playing, choose your location carefully...

Week - 499

How Ice Cream Machine should be played
by luv4free
Description: Yum!

Week - 703

Pyramid Scheme: A Guide to the Card Game
by luv4free
Description: You have been travelling for days without water, with the sun beating down on your weary skin. You’ve already swatted the bugs away in Swarm, dragged your opponents across the ground Tug of War and in the distance you can finally see your destination ahead of you. A great golden pyramid rises up before your eyes… Alternatively, you typed ‘Pyramids’ in the games room search bar, either way – you made it here, and now you’re ready and raring to win yourself that golden trophy!

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Half-Baked Potato
Erozo discovers the secret use of Lag-B-Gone Serum.

Also by blonde_and_lovin_it2.

by tizzlestix


Horsing Around
Trylei is the REAL beauty queen here.

by _koolness_


You Had One Job
But what’s with the herbs? You literally eat out every night; the most I’ve seen you cook is toast, and it’s never even very good toast, and yet now you’re buying exotic herbs and- are you chopping those herbs, Jhudora? You have multiple greasy Shenkuuvian takeout boxes from that place with the peeling pink paint and yet here you are cooking. That doesn’t seem like you, Jhudora.

by quanticdreams


Questing with Edna
She's gotta look stylish to do her spells, ok?

by milkbear


New Paint Job
What does he even want that one million NP jug for...?

by amarettoball

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