Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 193,715,005 Issue: 709 | 4th day of Celebrating, Y17
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We found the following 15 result(s) for the keyword dutchese159

Week - 274

Adee the Pain
by dutchese159
Description: Did you know?

Art by hardlyevolved

Week - 280

Cheating Old Snargan!
by edmarblecake
Description: That cheating old Skeith is at it again!

Also by dutchese159

Week - 289

AAA = Arrogant And Annoying!
by edmarblecake
Description: Whatever you say, Aristotle...

Also by dutchese159

Week - 307

Why Do the Petpets Run?
by _icypanther_
Description: Now really.

Story by dutchese159

Week - 320

Cheating Old Snargan!
by edmarblecake
Description: Finally, he gets what he deserves!

Also by dutchese159

Week - 368

Unexpected Visitors
by suzerz
Description: All Peas welcome!

Also by dutchese159

Week - 372

Santa's Mixup
by suzerz
Description: Oh cool!

Also by dutchese159

Week - 427

The Danger of Avatars
by xiceangelzx
Description: Dun dun dun dun!

Idea by dutchese159

Week - 441

Dinner Disaster
by lightfpower
Description: This should be fun.

Idea by dutchese159

Week - 442

Faerie Wars
by raezyr
Description: Grrr....

Idea by dutchese159

Week - 690

Avatar Error
by krispykritter6
Description: Nooooo!

Idea by: krispykritter6

Art by: dutchese159

Week - 700

Nightmare on Avatar Street
by krispykritter6
Description: Kaboom!

Art by dutchese159

Week - 707

The Neopian Pound - That's No Life
by krispykritter6
Description: This inspired me to begin regularly fostering abandoned neopets and helping them find good homes. The process starts with a search in the pound, where I look at each available pet one by one to determine who most needs my help. Today, I not only help Chias, but pets of all species.

Also by dutchese159

Week - 709

Prequel: I Shall Call Him Mr. Feathers
by dutchese159
Description: That was so fast!

Also by krispykritter6

Week - 709

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
by krispykritter6
Description: That joyous time of year when all little Neopians and Neopets start giving their thanks. And with that special time of gift giving, you know what that means… it’s time to start thinking about Christmas shopping!

Also by utchese159

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Time Will Tell
Just a minute, give me a second chance.

Also by minnesotan and wtmoof

by msjanny


Living With Wuggles
This goes out to my dear FireLilyWuggles, who I adore even in all of her insanity.

by chadley_the_ukulele


Unordinary Holiday Colours
It’s the Month of Celebrating and all over Neopia (especially in Terror Mountain) Neopets are being painted Christmas and Snow while others are hoping to be zapped Ice by the Lab Ray. But what if your Neopets aren’t the type who wants to be festive 24/7 or can be easily melted at room temperature? You still want them to be painted for the upcoming holidays but the immediate choices aren’t your style. With so many Colours available there must be one that will help you celebrate the holidays while also fitting to your Neopet’s personal tastes.

by pikachu315111


Spacerocked! Exposed
All voices ceased when a looming figure entered the room, door slamming shut behind them. With a flourish of his dark cape, Dr. Sloth strode to the front of the room with a grace afforded by the grandiosity of his evil. Or so he chose to perpetuate.

by vanillafilth


The Smelly Truth
Well, that stinks.

by rikarie

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