There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 193,743,981 Issue: 711 | 18th day of Celebrating, Y17
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We found the following 18 result(s) for the keyword ezel68

Week - 407

Pumpkin Moon
by ezel68
Description: Zzzz....

Week - 420

The Good, The Bad, And The Fluffy
by ezel68
Description: Oh.

Week - 425

The Good, The Bad, And The Fluffy
by ezel68
Description: Ouch.

Week - 436

The Wacky World of Ezel68
by ezel68
Description: P.U.!

Week - 440

by ezel68
Description: "Master, what exactly are you making?"

"It's a secret, Kooks."

Week - 469

The Wacky World of Ezel68
by ezel68
Description: He's got a point, Edna...

Week - 480

The Wacky World of Ezel68
by ezel68
Description: Hey...

Week - 494

The Wacky World of Ezel68
by ezel68
Description: One of the many disadvantages to owning an abnormally large Fire Werhond.

Week - 501

The Wacky World of Ezel68
by ezel68
Description: Another one of the many disadvantages to owning an abnormally large Fire Werhond.

Week - 507

Habitarium Adventures: A Pest-scapade
by ezel68
Description: "Why d'ya always want to harvest grass?" a voice said. Berkeley turned and saw a Mootix approaching her.

Week - 557

Horace and the Vengeance of the Vampires
by ezel68
Description: "Morning already?" a deep, gruff voice rumbled from under the covers. The blanket fell back, and a seven-foot-tall, very muscular Bori emerged.

Week - 620

by ezel68
Description: To a normal person, Eps may have seemed normal. But her closest friends and family knew never to let her use an idiom.

Week - 621

The Dream Journal of the Grey Bori
by ezel68
Description: Szarawe's Journal, Dreamdate Alpha-Pi 7500

Today's journey began in the Plains of Lucidity.

Week - 696

The Pirate King Files: A Defender's Mission
by ezel68
Description: A hand caught the Ogrin's arm and helped her stand. The Ogrin saw a Neopet she did not recognize standing beside her. The Neopet was a female pink Aisha, wearing a bright yellow and pink costume emblazoned with the symbol of a white lotus. The Aisha wore a yellow mask and had a pink capelet draped over her shoulders.

Week - 699

At the End of the Day
by ezel68
Description: Narineth finds a kindred spirit in the equally muscular Uchiha.

Week - 701

At the End of the Day
by ezel68
Description: Gawain has seen strange things at the bottom of the Symol Hole...

Week - 702

The Pirate King Files: Amulet of the Twelve Sands
by ezel68
Description: The Chia Police officer scribbled something in his notebook and glanced again at the glass display case. According to the museum curator, the thing inside had been stolen, and yet the glass showed no signs of breaking or tampering. Someone simply unlocked the box and removed the item.

Week - 711

The Pirate King Files - Virtupets on Lockdown
by ezel68
Description: Agents Uchiha Zwiro and Mimi Kattel of the Neopia Central Defenders Unit had been sent to the Virtupets Space Station by their superior. According to the mission briefing, the Virtupets Defenders Unit required assistance on one of its missions.

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The Amulet's Curse: Part Seven
All of the furniture, however, had been moved to the edges of the room. Acknowledging himself, he noticed he was sitting on a wooden chair, his arms and legs tied down by rope. Hannah was next to him, placed in the same position. However, she had not awoken yet.

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Don't Call Me A Nimmo...
What if I turn into a frog?

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A Puppyblew's Adventure
A story of a puppyblew and his treasure.

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The Pirate King Files - Virtupets on Lockdown
Agents Uchiha Zwiro and Mimi Kattel of the Neopia Central Defenders Unit had been sent to the Virtupets Space Station by their superior. According to the mission briefing, the Virtupets Defenders Unit required assistance on one of its missions.

by ezel68


One Last Game
The three by three grid of raised stone squares was mocking me at this point. It was clearly a puzzle, as there were dozens of other identical puzzles scattered throughout Neoquest III. But with those other puzzles there was usually a cipher, or a scroll with a hint, or something that would help you figure out the answer. I had scoured the entire area looking for anything that could tell me the answer to the puzzle, but to no avail.

by gumgum101230

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