There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 193,765,667 Issue: 712 | 23rd day of Celebrating, Y17
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword corrina404

Week - 475

Your Festive Clothing Guide
by corrina404
Description: If you've been running around screaming 'What am I going to wear?!' just take a deep breath, grab a cup of hot cocoa and have a nice read...

Week - 705

The Amulet's Curse: Part One
by corrina404
Description: She crept along the ice silently. One sound and she’d be discovered - all of their effort would be for nothing. Carefully, she thought as she delicately walked across the slippery floor. If something were to happen to her it would be all over, everything would be lost…

Week - 706

The Amulet's Curse: Part Two
by corrina404
Description: It had been a long trip to Altador. The pair had walked through the desert surrounding Sakhmet, and through a mountain range on a path few knew about, but finally the great land became visible. King Altador was right. The water levels were rising - and fast. In a couple days, Amira guessed, it would reach the main city. It certainly was an emergency situation.

Week - 707

The Amulet's Curse: Part Three
by corrina404
Description: “Reginald? Reginald. Please, it’s time to wake up.” It was Princess Amira, her beautiful face showed signs of stress already. “Quickly, we have to get moving, we have only three days remaining.”

Week - 708

The Amulet's Curse: Part Four
by corrina404
Description: “Isca was a lot of help, but she was right. We need to remember that this won’t be easy, the answers aren’t going just appear in front of us.” Said Hannah.

Week - 709

The Amulet's Curse: Part Five
by corrina404
Description: Aethia led them down many flights of stairs, winding their way past countless rooms, the temperature around them gradually dropping. Eventually, they went down their last staircase to find themselves in a large room. It was cold inside, the room was created completely out of grey stone. The walls extended to a high ceiling with only two small windows. “The dungeons.” Aethia explained.

Week - 710

The Amulet's Curse: Part Six
by corrina404
Description: Today was the day. Amira desperately suppressed her nerves as she thought about what was coming ahead. Up until this point, her only thought was about protecting Neopia. She was afraid to admit it, even to herself, but she was scared.

Week - 711

The Amulet's Curse: Part Seven
by corrina404
Description: All of the furniture, however, had been moved to the edges of the room. Acknowledging himself, he noticed he was sitting on a wooden chair, his arms and legs tied down by rope. Hannah was next to him, placed in the same position. However, she had not awoken yet.

Week - 712

The Amulet's Curse: Part Eight
by corrina404
Description: “TAELIA! TAELIA!” Hannah called, clearly worried about the faerie.

“Hahaha! She can’t hear you. She’s out cold. And while she sleeps, I’m stealing all her power. Soon the Pharaoh will AWAKEN!” The mysterious neopet exclaimed.

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