Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 193,765,667 Issue: 712 | 23rd day of Celebrating, Y17
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Seems Xweetok day was forgotten and than perhaps put off. Seems Jumpstart/Neopets is taking a break until the new years, Will we get to know what colors were out for xweetoks or any wearables on their day in 2015? Thanks ~ mysticautumnrose
Hi, we're out of the office for the rest of this week, but we'll be back on Monday! And I'd expect to see Xweetok colours before 2016 is here.

Can Usuls please get free training for Usul Day? Pretty please? ~ neoprincess1423
Hi! Usuls received free training on their actual day! We recently released new colours for them as they were delayed initially, so that's why Usul's didn't get free training this week!

Will the 16th Birthday Goodie Bag restock in the Toy Shop? I reallyyyyyyy want a Birthday Hasee ~ anabellelee
Hi! The goodie bags are currently restocking, so keep checking to try and grab one! Best of luck, and may the odds be in your favor!

Hi CQ! Haven't had a question answered before, so I hope this is my first one! :P Anyway, it seems lately a lot of us NC members as well as premium members are experiencing a glitch. Premium users are receiving a duplicate premium collectible, while NC users are receiving duplicates from the stocking stufftacular (No additional stockings were hung). Many times people send in tickets asking what to do with it, and the general response is to discard the extra(s). I was just wondering if it's possible you can address and confirm that this is what we should do when we receive an unexpected duplicate. It will save the support team a whole bunch of time from reading unnecessary tickets! Thank you! Please remove my username! ~ chrissybaby20
Hello! So this is a common thing that can happen when a script is running granting a prize, but to confirm it for you, and put your minds all at ease, there is nothing to worry about when this happens. Simply discard the extra, and enjoy your actual prize!

Would you please tell us why you changed e wallet providers? I feel we have a right to know ~ gwendarwen
Hi, the E Wallet provider we had been using before was previously purchased by a larger company, who eventually decided to end that part of their business, so we didn't have too much of a choice. But we, as well as our new provider, are committed to working out all kinks with the system and continue to make improvements.

Hey, CQ!. New country or old country? Also, will World Challenges ever return? This is from the games page. I'm wondering what I can do with my "WC Pieces". (Do you like how I slipped that second question in? I'm tricky like that, hehe.) ~ blackpugpuppy
Hey, that was sneaky, and I respect that, so here you go: World Challenges aren't something we're looking into right now (you may have heard, we've got quite a few things on our plates!), but it is something we get a fair amount of requests for, so when we have resources to take it on, we'll check it out and see what the situation is!
PS... To answer your question, it's both. Obviously.

*Happy Thoughts*

Thank you so very much for the lovely place we know as Neopia. This is where I have spent so many happy hours, and I will continue to do so. I know that it is very easy to complain when things don't work quite right and I only want to tell you that I am grateful for the work that you do. If Neopia was real I would move here! I am 63 yrs old, I am not senile, but I AM very contented. Thank you and Merry Christmas! ~ lizly109

The Christmas Alabriss is amazing and I love it! Pass on my thanks to the artists, please! ~ brynchilla

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