Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 193,800,643 Issue: 715 | 15th day of Sleeping, Y18
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword certifiabletrash

Week - 714

by certifiabletrash
Description: What do you mean it's a cheap trick to break the fourth wall?

Also by meowbey

Week - 715

The NT's Best Secret -- Until Today!
by certifiabletrash
Description: Country music and Aishas -- 100% guaranteed to tip the scale in your favor!

Also by minnesotan

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A SCIENTIFIC Look at Conspiracies and Mysteries
I, DOC, will be your humble guide to the eldritch realms of the strange and bizarre... FOR SCIENCE!

by homsar_eggplant


Lame Pun: Jelly Wor-
Where is everyone?

by blackaavar


Anneslace and the Imposter Apple
Anneslace bolted upright in her bed. “A Krawkadon? In the galley? I told Sam he could get a nice, sedate Plathydon, not a Krawkadon.” She paused. “How much… how much food is left?”

by peirigill


Bunch of tomatoes = Infinite tomatoes!

by chemoi


Proving the Existence of Jelly World
n building off down a dark alley in Neopia Central, a group of pets got together to discuss an idea that many would not be able to voice in public. “Now, I’m not saying it is true right away,” Started their self-proclaimed leader, a Jelly Kau named Jeandra, “But suppose that Jelly World does actually exist.”

by greenj12356

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