Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 193,816,384 Issue: 716 | 22nd day of Sleeping, Y18
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword painted_dreams87

Week - 591

Ezulla the Princess of Shenkuu
by painted_dreams87
Description: From a distance, Shenkuu is filled with the deep greens of the grass and trees, bright blues from the flowing streams that lead to crashing waterfalls...

Week - 600

Celebrating Issue 600: A Look At The Last 100 Issues
by painted_dreams87
Description: With the arrival of the 600th issue of the Neopian Times, I considered what it is that makes the Neopian Times so wonderful. Is it the articles? The comics? The short stories? Or is it a combination of all of the above?

Also by xiaolin10413

Week - 619

Neopia's Most Underappreciated Faeries
by painted_dreams87
Description: What about the other, less appreciated faeries?

Week - 641

Tips For Successfully Starting A Neopets Site
by painted_dreams87
Description: Starting a graphics site can be one of the most rewarding things you will ever do on Neopets, but the truth is that it doesn't come easy.

Week - 651

Which Avatar Are You?
by painted_dreams87
Description: Have you ever found yourself staring hopelessly at the Neoboards Preferences page unable to decide which avatar you should use?

Week - 658

The Guide to Beating Procrastination on Neopets
by painted_dreams87
Description: Begin working towards your goals today.

Week - 695

The Comprehensive Guide to Premium Collectibles
by painted_dreams87
Description: In January of 2013, The Neopets Team (TNT) added an additional perk to being a premium subscriber. This perk awarded every premium subscriber with a free Neocash item around the 15th of every month. In this guide, I will discuss every premium Neocash item that has been awarded so far in detail as well as give it a one to five star rating with five stars being the best

Week - 708

Zilean Visits The Faeries
by painted_dreams87
Description: Zilean, an older Pirate Krawk and an eccentric sorcerer who calls a clock tower his home, had always had an obsession with time travel. After countless years and failed attempts, he was finally successful at designing an enchantment that made it possible to travel in time. This is Zilean's journal.

Week - 716

A Journey In Friendship
by painted_dreams87
Description: Zilean, an older Pirate Krawk and an eccentric sorcerer who calls a clock tower his home, had always had an obsession with time travel. After countless years and failed attempts, he was finally successful at designing an enchantment that made it possible to travel in time. The enchantment took the form of a glowing orb that emitted a green smoke so thick it could fill your lungs. All Zilean had to do was close his eyes, imagine where and when he wanted to go, reach out, and touch the orb.

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The Perk Of Being A Plushie
They even shared the same goal: to be able to buy a paint brush and get painted. The girls did not know what kind of paint brush they wanted, they just knew that nothing would make them happier than to be painted.

by she_chose_love


NeoPaper: A Trip on Mystery Island
Well, that's one kind of trip...

by mbredboy31


Word Poker Woes
Spelling is hard.

by silverpheonix105


10 Things to Do When the Neoboards Go Down
Sometimes TNT has to take down the boards for a few hours to fix something, or update something, or just because they feel like it. I’m not really sure. The reason why the boards are down isn’t really important, the real problem is WHAT TO DO WITH YOURSELF?! Fortunately, I’ve got some suggestions for you!

by ahh_choo


Reselling: How to Make a Profit Off of Patience
Whenever you ask a Neopian how they make their neopoints, they usually tell you that they restock, play games, fight in the Battledome, invest in the Stock Market, or a bit of everything. However, most people don’t know that there is another method of making neopoints that’s based on a good eye for value, a bit of elbow grease, and lots of patience. This practice is called reselling.

by mellygirl123

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