For an easier life Circulation: 193,843,975 Issue: 718 | 5th day of Awakening, Y18
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Party Zafara

by dash_p

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Lame Pun: Doing The Books
I'm Kinda Sorry For This One

by blackaavar


Furniture Shopping
That little fruit bowl...

by ketchup547


Not Always as it Seems
Lilly the Ixi grew up as a wealthy pet. She always had the most expensive customizations,her stats were always on top and she had her wings professionally groomed so that they'd glisten as she flew across Neopia. Even the Faeries were jealous of her beauty.

by extreme_butterfly


Food For Lunch!
. "Oh, Lunch," she replied, "you wouldn't like shopping, you're far too timid for those busy shops. Look at how everyone is pushing past one another, just to get the most expensive things on sale! No, you wouldn't like it one bit." They were sitting on the grass by the fountain of the Neopian Neolodge. A crowd had formed outside the nearby post office.

by tallydepp

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