For an easier life Circulation: 193,882,745 Issue: 721 | 26th day of Awakening, Y18
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword flustre

Week - 719

How to Win the Poetry Competition
by flustre
Description: I see you’re here because you want to know how you can get your poem submitted to the Poetry Competition! There are so many wondrous things in Neopia to explore and write about, and so many hilarious and heart-warming poems to read, so of course it’s difficult to not want to write your very own poem!

Week - 720

The Abominable Snowstorm
by flustre
Description: Hey! What happened here?!

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Customization Diaries of the Gnorbu Obsessed #2
First things first, the basics. What are the basic items you think every neopian should have in their closet before they start customizing?

by 987654321_hj


An Avatar Hunter's Letter to the Spacerocked! Grundo
I'm sorry sir! I'm only trying for the avatar! I can pay to fix your very nice spaceship- Kneezles, run.

by beagums


Dr. Sloth's Invasion Army
Abort the plan, ABORT.

Also by sophieauditore

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Hard Working
Or hardly working?

Also by parody_ham

by petpet_92_24


Gieva's Story: A Dream Come True
“Gieva! Oh Gieva, where are you? I’m so worried!” Gieva’s owner cried out. “Scampy, whatever are we going to do? She’s so small and petite swimming out in the big ocean, who knows what might happen.”

by incheesuswetrust

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