There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 193,882,745 Issue: 721 | 26th day of Awakening, Y18
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Eclectic Antics: Neohomes

In other news, Neopian homelessness is now at an all-time low of 90%!

by amarettoball
Baelia's Burdens #2

It might be time for a trip to the dentist…

Also by alexipharmic

by certifiabletrash

Neolodge vs. Kadoatery

Ouch, that's gotta hurt

Also by chantili_doce

by tedypicker

Neopets Hint

Playing Dice-A-Roo is a good way to get food

Also by erianoillim

by saudadesdagripe

The Life of Fruit and Veggie Chias

We're just poking fun!

by flustre
Dr. Sloth's Invasion Army

Abort the plan, ABORT.

Also by sophieauditore

by iluminescent

Life As A Kad: The Struggles

Everyone knows that kads are challenging petpets to keep...

by anniversarium
NeoPaper: Question We All Wondered About

Well, now you know!

by mbredboy31
See, This Is Not Boring

Ugh, I made the wrong choice.

by goldensif
Hard Working

Or hardly working?

Also by parody_ham

by petpet_92_24

Durian Difficulties: Part 1

Super Durian to the Rescue!

Also by bha288

by joslucca3000

Mud Coffee

And he melts in the rain, too.

by goron0000
The Magma Incident

Be careful what you wish for...

by waternymph12
The Struggle With Snowwy

I just don't get it.

by brooklyn3223
Random Oddness

Her hair is more accurate than the weatherman.

by mistyqee
Gaining a Level in NeoQuest

How about not so loud next time?

Also by murillion

by shadowlugia_92

Mean Grarrls

Green is clearly the best colour.

by cyallia
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The Funny Habits Of Avatar Collectors!

Someone on the Neoboards made an astute observation, one that was so true that I gaped at my computer screen for a few seconds, then typed back that I completely agreed. Her observation was that people, no matter how many expensive and rare avatars they already own (such as "MSPP" and "Super Attack Pea!"), always use their latest achieved avatar, rather than their rarest. For instance, instead of using their "MSPP" avatar, they'll use their latest game avatar, such as "Carnival of Terror."

Other Stories


A Day of Play
When I woke up one morning, I took a moment to look around the bedroom of my owner’s Neohome. Everything seemed so peaceful and calm. To me, everything was right with the world.

by blackghoulmon


The Second Piece
Dempsey Rowen was many things, and a complainer was most certainly one of them. The day after their visit to Meridell, Dempsey began to complain of a sore throat. Halfway through the day he began to cough, and by the time the four travelers reached Brightvale, the Halloween Kougra was positively miserable.

by graveyardcandyapple


Countering the Stereotype: The "Vain" Uni
An article arguing for the end of labeling Unis as "Neopia's most vain creatures"

by puddydog


Trophy Guide to Spinacles

Also by dino8268

by malphd


Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Days Yet to Pass: Part Four
Chloe followed Buzz out, putting her mask back on as a matter of habit. The courtyards were orderly, but they were plain, the flowers gone and only the bushes remaining. The signs of Elise's hard work, maintained by a gardener when they were in Neopia Central, were gone.

by kristykimmy


Janet and Jane: The Case of the New Addition: Part One
Why on Neopia would Jane think it would be a good idea to get an apprentice? She knew that our cases could be ruined by inexperience (something I knew the apprentice had). J2 was a serious detective business - not a university where you could pick up a trade. I only tolerate one Neopet that wasn't a part of the business but still helps out, and Natia wasn't going to go anywhere.

by chasing_stars44

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