The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 193,882,745 Issue: 721 | 26th day of Awakening, Y18
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Dr. Sloth's Invasion Army

by iluminescent

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A Day of Play
When I woke up one morning, I took a moment to look around the bedroom of my owner’s Neohome. Everything seemed so peaceful and calm. To me, everything was right with the world.

by blackghoulmon


Mud Coffee
And he melts in the rain, too.

by goron0000


An Avatar Hunter's Letter to the Spacerocked! Grundo
I'm sorry sir! I'm only trying for the avatar! I can pay to fix your very nice spaceship- Kneezles, run.

by beagums


Uni Grooming Guide
The Uni is known for being the most vain Neopet of all. With currently holding the sixth place overall of the most popular Neopets, they have every reason to devote hours of their day to improving (and admiring) their appearance. In this article, we will be taking a look at various grooming items made especially for Unis, as well as useful books for Uni owners looking to make their Neopet the prettiest one around!

by aleu1986

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