Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 193,882,745 Issue: 721 | 26th day of Awakening, Y18
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Gaining a Level in NeoQuest

by shadowlugia_92

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Hard Working
Or hardly working?

Also by parody_ham

by petpet_92_24


The Magma Incident
Be careful what you wish for...

by waternymph12


Duplicity: Part Twelve
Giles ran over to his freed father and jumped on him with open arms the moment he saw him. The small Xweetok smiled as Garrington weakly ruffled his mane. Dark circles surrounded the duke’s eyes. His wife, the duchess, pinched her nose and nodded along. “Yes, yes, we miss you very much. I think the dungeons have done a number on you.”

by likelife96


Forgotten Histories: The First Faerie
It is said that on a very special day in a year, when all the requirements are met, a faerie would be born

by sha2196

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