Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 193,894,417 Issue: 722 | 4th day of Running, Y18
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword certifiabletrash

Week - 714

by certifiabletrash
Description: What do you mean it's a cheap trick to break the fourth wall?

Also by meowbey

Week - 715

The NT's Best Secret -- Until Today!
by certifiabletrash
Description: Country music and Aishas -- 100% guaranteed to tip the scale in your favor!

Also by minnesotan

Week - 716

A Good Run for the Money
by certifiabletrash
Description: The hand doesn't give, but it does take.

Also by cloudypoogle

Week - 717

Current Weather
by certifiabletrash
Description: A hairy situation.

Also by blonde_and_lovin_it2

Week - 718

Walein Away
by certifiabletrash
Description: So, when you said I was going down...

Also by minnesotan and cloudypoogle

Week - 719

Will You Be My Valentine?
by certifiabletrash
Description: Valentine, your heart is as sweet as candy.

Also by flyghing

Week - 720

Baelia's Burdens #1
by certifiabletrash
Description: Why is the Grey Faerie so sad? Stay tuned to find out!

Also by alexipharmic

Week - 721

Baelia's Burdens #2
by certifiabletrash
Description: It might be time for a trip to the dentist…

Also by alexipharmic

Week - 722

Baelia's Burdens #3
by certifiabletrash
Description: Anyone would feel left out in her position.

Also by alexipharmic

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How To Care For Your Elderly Neopet
A sudden loss of balance and a stumble into the Rainbow Fountain is all it takes. Before your very eyes, your once sprightly, bouyant Neopet with their thick, lush, shiny fur/scales/hide (delete as appropriate) will emerge no longer glowing with youth and energy, but hunched over and wizened, wrinkly and crinkly, grey or balding, aged almost beyond recognition! "Get off my lawn!" they'll croak at you angrily, whilst you stare at them wide-eyed in shock, mouth agape in surprise.

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A Thief's Life - Eyebrows
Biyakos. So majestic.

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Petpet Show Off
Well, that's interesting...

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Brightvale castle is almost always silent, especially once the moon rises. Early to bed and early to rise makes Neopets, uh... something, something, and wise. Roberta's heard her uncle recite that proverb a million times over, but she always forgets how it ends.

by theschizophrenicpunk


An Overly-Complicated Analysis of the Slushie Shop
Your complex guide to Happy Valley's Slushie Shop

by pep364

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