teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 193,894,417 Issue: 722 | 4th day of Running, Y18
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Continued Series

Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Days Yet to Pass: Part Five

Kristy and Chloe sat in the sun room, looking out into the gardens below. Chloe looked down at her mask, which she was holding in her hands. There were so many questions, and she didn't even know where to begin. Kristy sat there patiently, waiting for her to be ready. Chloe looked over at her.

by kristykimmy
The Adventures of Trina: The Glass Key: Part Three

Cassie frowned. “She didn’t show up for class today. Is she sick?”

“Can’t be—she was fine yesterday. More than fine, actually. I’ve never seen her so happy, not since…” she dropped to a whisper, “well, when we joined the pirates.”

by ummagine3284

Janet and Jane: The Case of the New Addition: Part Two

"What?" James asked. His eyes grew to the size of saucers. "Already? I literally just got here!"

"Don't worry, James. You'll do fine," Jane comforted. "Vandalism cases are usually pretty easy to solve, so it's the perfect case to start you off with."

by chasing_stars44

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Overly-Complicated Slushie Shop Analysis

Happy Valley is a happy place, why else would it be called Happy Valley? Jolly residents spread cheer throughout the streets and show that the warmest town in Neopia is indeed found at the frozen base of Terror Mountain. These dandy denizens come from different backgrounds and species, but one thing that they can all agree on is that it is never too cold to have a slushie. The Slushie Shop is considered by many to be the gem of Happy Valley, neopets flock from all over Neopia to sample the frosty goodness of one of the shop’s famous slushies. “But why slushies in a perpetually winter wonderland?” You might ask. Today I am here to find out, I am going to give you an overly-complicated analysis of the Slushie Shop.

Other Stories


Adventures in Mystery Island
Dappletail, a young female Glowing Uni, woke up. It was a beautiful blue-skied day in Mystery Island, her home, and she could smell the ocean breeze coming in from her opened window. Looking outside it, the palms swayed in the breeze and there were even a few wild Taigars running about.

by dunefurandlilypelt


I'm a water Lutari who's lived her entire life in a network of caves deep under the ocean. I've never seen the sky, or the sun, or other people—except for my mum, but that one is a given for most kids, isn't it? I sleep in a bed of warm, blue sponge—magic, no doubt—and go fishing once a week with my mum for what she calls the "necessities." I play with various things my mum says come from the "surface," and occasionally the odd plushie that pops up in the fishing hole.

by peronalodis


How To Care For Your Elderly Neopet
A sudden loss of balance and a stumble into the Rainbow Fountain is all it takes. Before your very eyes, your once sprightly, bouyant Neopet with their thick, lush, shiny fur/scales/hide (delete as appropriate) will emerge no longer glowing with youth and energy, but hunched over and wizened, wrinkly and crinkly, grey or balding, aged almost beyond recognition! "Get off my lawn!" they'll croak at you angrily, whilst you stare at them wide-eyed in shock, mouth agape in surprise.

by tallydepp


Gorgeous Gelert Items
Gelerts are quite popular Neopets, and with good reason. They are extremly loyal, once you have earned their friendship, they will never leave your side. Gelerts are also very brave and would never hesitate to save their friends and owners from danger. But they`re mostly peaceful creatures who love to play

by aleu1986


Petpet Show Off
Well, that's interesting...

Also by erianoillim

by saudadesdagripe


Random Oddness
No no, she meant the *green* red dress.

by mistyqee

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