A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 193,894,417 Issue: 722 | 4th day of Running, Y18
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword yoshisislandbandit

Week - 718

A Thief's Life - NO CHEATING
by yoshisislandbandit
Description: For the love of Fyora...

Week - 720

A Thief's Life - Sidekicks
by yoshisislandbandit
Description: Some just aren't cut out for the job.

Week - 722

A Thief's Life - Eyebrows
by yoshisislandbandit
Description: Biyakos. So majestic.

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by lincolnpark_


The Adventures of Trina: The Glass Key: Part Three
Cassie frowned. “She didn’t show up for class today. Is she sick?”

“Can’t be—she was fine yesterday. More than fine, actually. I’ve never seen her so happy, not since…” she dropped to a whisper, “well, when we joined the pirates.”

by ummagine3284


Fortune Gone Wrong
Well, at least he's accurate.

Also by basilio42

by iluminescent


Brightvale castle is almost always silent, especially once the moon rises. Early to bed and early to rise makes Neopets, uh... something, something, and wise. Roberta's heard her uncle recite that proverb a million times over, but she always forgets how it ends.

by theschizophrenicpunk


Water Faerie and the Healing Springs: No Cost Cures
Most days on neopets, things can go pretty smoothly. You take care of your pets like any good owner would do, yet all it takes is for one single outcome to change the schedule of things from normal to haywire. One moment you can be taking your pet(s) exploring and then all of a sudden, you turn to look at your neopet and what's that, bud? You are sick with Hoochie Coochies? What in the world? How can that be?

by hkequeen

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