The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 193,940,129 Issue: 726 | 1st day of Eating, Y18
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword alienspacefairy

Week - 704

Neohow: To Become a Great Artist
by alienspacefairy
Description: So you want to become an artist? That’s understandable, you’re probably reading this because the title drew you in? Ha-ha... Get it?! *shakes head* Ok never mind... Anyway before you become the next big thing like Pablo De’ Kiko there are a few things you should know about the arts.

Week - 712

Holiday Neopets
by alienspacefairy
Description: Oh, the moment every Neopian has been waiting for is finally approaching. Stockings are lined against the edges of the fireplace, Jazzmosis Christmas music floods the air, a large ornamented evergreen Christmas tree stands in the corner of every Neopian’s living room, and a fresh batch of cookies rest on a plate next to a glass of milk on the table. The night has come for Santa Claus to plop down the chimney and deliver gifts, bringing joy to thousands of Neopets and spreading smiles when they wake the next morning.

Week - 726

Tails of the Crypt - The Tale of the Toymaker
by alienspacefairy
Description: His workshop, for the most part, was out of the sight of the general population, and it was generally deserted. Then, one day, during a particularly harsh snowstorm, a Neopet named Bob strayed off from their hiking trail and stumbled onto the first lit building they saw. A knock on the door shattered the silence, making Edward jump out of his skin.

Also by likelife96

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Paintbrush Side Effects
Keep your hands and belongings secured at all times.

by qgqg


Leap of Wraith
"The two of you may share a special bond," said Ziva, gently squeezing Nyx's shoulder. "But Umber Wisp is still a Wraith, Nyx. No one has ever understood them completely."

by liouchan


The Parchment Treaty
Queen Fyora was waiting in her personal chambers for them with several rolled parchments in her hand. Queen Fyora greeted them, "Hello, I have desperate need of a stealthy messenger Neopet, a Neopet with dimensional abilities, and a Wraith Neopet. Sarah, can you and your pets deliver these parchments to the Wraith King Aroyf in Aipoen?"

by platdragon


The Adventures of Trina: The Glass Key: Part Seven
Burly creatures were digging in the snow, their long, yellow claws flinging powder into the air. Their feet were massive enough to crush any enemy. Their teeth were so long, she almost mistook them as tusks. Camouflaged by their overgrown tufts of white fur, from their ankles to their forehead, where twisted horns reached for the sky, their red pupils burned into her mind.

by ummagine3284


No Wraith Petpets? No Problem!
Your pet has just emerged from the Rainbow Pool, covered in purplish-black wisps and swirls. You finally bought that Wraith Paint Brush and you stand back to admire your new Wraith Neopet. But then you realize something. There are no Wraith petpets. Not even one!

by newenglandquizzer

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