Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 193,940,129 Issue: 726 | 1st day of Eating, Y18
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New Series

Venn and the Isolated Island: Part One

It was yet another average morning for Venn, a Camouflage Gelert. He climbed out of bed, stretched, put on his brown shorts and yellow scarf, and headed to the Neohome's dining room for breakfast. There they ate the typical Neopian meal, consisting mainly of omelets and jelly. After this came probably the most suspenseful part of the day: the journey to the Secret Laboratory, where Venn would be zapped.

by mbredboy31
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"The Parchment Treaty" by platdragon
The Faerie Ruins plot had happened a while back. Platdragon (Sarah) and her pets were awakened at 5:30 A.M. NST on the morning of March 28th by someone pounding on the front door of their neohome at 82667 Island Crescent on Mystery Island. Bujutsu, a Stealthy Buzz, got to the front door first. GhostRider2015 (GR), a snow grundo, was right behind Bujutsu, as was Furaoe, a Dimensional Shoyru. Sryii, a Wraith Meerca, and Peftjaubast (Peft), a Pirate Draik, held back a bit in the living room. The person at the door was a Royal Messenger (a Pink Ixi dressed in a pink uniform) from Queen Fyora. He had a sealed message for Sarah and several of her pets. It was on pink royal parchment with a pink wax seal and was tied with a pink silk ribbon. Bujutsu removed the ribbon and carefully broke the seal. It was an invitation for Sarah and 3 of her pets to go immediately to Queen Fyora's castle in Faerieland. Sarah and 3 of her pets hurriedly dressed. She made sure that GR and Peft had plenty of food in the pantry some neopoints so they could do some activities while the neopets others were gone. They went outside with the messenger. Furaoe used his special abilities to travel dimensionally to just inside the Faerieland's castle courtyard. The surprised royal guards recognized the royal messenger and allowed the party to enter the castle. Queen Fyora was waiting in her personal chambers for them with several rolled parchments in her hand. Queen Fyora greeted them, "Hello, I have desperate need of a stealthy messenger Neopet, a Neopet with dimensional abilities, and a Wraith Neopet. Sarah, can you and your pets deliver these parchments to the Wraith King Aroyf in Aipoen?" Sarah looked at each of her Neopets and then said, "Yes, your majesty. We can do this for you. Just point us in the direction to go."

Other Stories


Tails of the Crypt - The Tale of the Toymaker
His workshop, for the most part, was out of the sight of the general population, and it was generally deserted. Then, one day, during a particularly harsh snowstorm, a Neopet named Bob strayed off from their hiking trail and stumbled onto the first lit building they saw. A knock on the door shattered the silence, making Edward jump out of his skin.

Also by likelife96

by alienspacefairy


“What's going on here?” she asked a tall Red Kyrii nearby her.

“TNT have just put up a notice,” he told her, “about the portals that have been appearing. Some people think it's a plot.”

by reiqua


Welcome to Darkvale
A benevolent woodland hamlet where the skies are dark, the moon is beautiful, and glowing motes pass overhead while we all study when we should be sleeping. Welcome to Darkvale.

by mollyscribbles


The Essential Items to Survive the Wraith Apocalypse
So you've probably heard that Neopia is being invaded! Those pesky Wraiths have finally broken through the barrier and us Neopets are being done away with. It's alright for now, of course, while their sights are set firmly on those Faeries (which is fine with me; I was never fond of them anyway). But soon … soon the empty eyes of the Wraiths shall turn on us innocent Neopets

Also by phoenix_through_fire

by azusa_k


Dinner with the Scarlets: Wraithland
Mysterious and randomly appearing portals to Wraithland are mysterious and randomly appearing.

by june_scarlet


Wraithland: Escape Route
It's not gonna work out.

Also by erianoillim

by saudadesdagripe

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