A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 194,011,715 Issue: 732 | 13th day of Hunting, Y18
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword redken9x9

Week - 727

The Sloth Gummy That Got Away
by redken9x9
Description: It started out so pleasant. I was born in Virtupets Space Station– home of my creator, Franky. I lived for a short time in one of his most ingenious creations, the prestigious ‘Grundo Factory’.

Week - 728

Confessions of King Skarl's Hair Stylist
by redken9x9
Description: I take no responsibility for hurt feelings. Skarl, you dweeb. :) The truth is out.

Week - 729

The Gifted Faerie
by redken9x9
Description: Professor Thierra sifted through the miscellany mess of papers on her desk, glancing up at Aleha in-between scribbles. The movement of the room was still for the present time; Aleha modestly preoccupied with her books and Thierra contemplatively preoccupied with her papers and Aleha.

Week - 730

Stamp Collecting For Beginners
by redken9x9
Description: So you want to be an Ultimate Stamp Collector, eh? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Don’t worry, I won’t waste your time with tons of useless pleasantries and introductory nonsense. We’ll get right down to business.

Week - 731

The Hidden Treasure
by redken9x9
Description: I rode down to the river one morning to see the spring blossoms bloom. My eyes were focused on the ground there, with each step a piece of earth crunched under my feet and the grass bent toward my way. Bending for an old Gnorbu, life and vitality bowing to time-worn straits.

Week - 732

Zombie Mortog Invasion
by redken9x9
Description: First, let me correct what you’re already thinking. No – this is not an apocalypse. To say that we’re experiencing a catastrophic disaster in danger of ending the world is not quite accurate here. We’ve got it under control, as you can see.

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The Perils of Customisation
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Trophies That We Actually Regret!
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