Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 194,011,715 Issue: 732 | 13th day of Hunting, Y18
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So close.

Also by Pinksrainbow

by lyndsey4657

Daylight Robbery

Well that was rude.

Also by shennyyy

by icygal2310

Just Jelni: Faking Faerie

Jelni wants to be painted Faerie, but she gets a different pair of wings!

by angul888
Eclectic Antics: Makeover

The event's not even here yet, but that doesn't mean these crazies can't get hyped about it.

by amarettoball
Altador Cup Foods

Everyone has their own priorities...

by 43456
Even Aethia Has Those Days

Poor Battle Faerie...

by scechoi
Oh No

Uh, nevermind.

Also by voudoo and murillion

by shadowlugia_92

NeoPaper: Jelly Pet at Mealtime

Observe: a Jelly pet's surreal majesty, as she devours her meal.

by mbredboy31
Mad Scientist Is Mad

Why so crazy?

by brenda_bbm
What If I Turn Into A Frog?

... a frog?

by ketchup547
Annoying Kanrik

I think a better question would be "Why are there so many?"

by theschizophrenicpunk
Head in the Clouds: Altador Cup

Why would you pick Team Altador?

by yoshisislandbandit
The Perils of Customisation

Nobody had thought about that...

by ngf57
Darigan Breakball


Also by vanillerrybeitje

by marbear_4u

My Pet Rojel's Never Ending Career Advice

She never stops at nothing!

by natlain
Sloth's Daily Dare

He never realized games were so fun!

Also by ruben160

by cosmicfire918

Search the Neopian Times


"Messi's Meowclops'" by wildprincessxoxo
It was the year 18 in Neopia and a small litter of new meowclops had wandered through the Haunted Woods toward the magical smell of Faerieland. There were four of them in the family and they had been separated from their mother for a few hours now. The oldest one, Emmett, was just a few minutes older than the others yet he already felt the drive to walk his siblings to safety. His two younger sisters Bala and Mila were beginning to tire, and Fedlimid, his younger brother needed a little push with his nose. Emmett was just about to do so when he heard a rustling that caused him to freeze. He began pushing his siblings forward and they started running, sensing the danger that was near. They got pretty far before they came to a large tree where they felt they could hide, the footsteps getting closer behind them. They ducked down and waited to see what terrifying thing would pop out from behind the brush. “I need my questions answered,” a voice spoke shaking the ground beneath the tiny petpets. Emmett looked around for the speaker but was unable to see very far hiding beneath this huge tree. Soon a quieter voice began to answer, and a body came into view. “I have the answer to your question, Brain Tree” The voice said. An Xweetok stepped into sight. She was wearing a black cloak that made it hard to see her face. “Speak, Mesi the Xweetok,” the Brain Tree answered. Mesi began to speak in a language that Emmett and the other little ones could not understand. The feeling of satisfaction that came off of the Brain Tree they all could feel. “You have quenched my hunger for knowledge, and I have a special prize for you,” The Brain Tree’s voice was terrifying but Mesi did not look shaken. She had done many quests for the Brain Tree and had been waiting to deliver this knowledge until the right moment had come.

Other Stories


A Quest for Color
"A yellow Chia? How boring," Lena sighed, staring back at her reflection in the pool of water. It had rained again last night, leaving puddles of water all over the path to school. She wouldn't mind the rain normally, except this time it had made it impossible for her not to see her reflection, and that was something Lena hated.

by dragondancer007


Off To The Races
All neopets are taught to never give up, no matter how impossible something may seem. This is the story of Tessa, the Uni who wouldn’t let anything get in the way of her dreams.

by she_chose_love


Zombie Mortog Invasion
First, let me correct what you’re already thinking. No – this is not an apocalypse. To say that we’re experiencing a catastrophic disaster in danger of ending the world is not quite accurate here. We’ve got it under control, as you can see.

by redken9x9


(Dungeon) Dash Your Way to a New Trophy!
In honour of Daily Dare’s return this year, let’s take a stroll down memory lane to a previous Daily Dare that brought us the game Dungeon Dash! At first, this game seems daunting, but hopefully with my guide you’ll get a new shiny gold trophy for your lookup!

by misiaxcore


Cordilion's Big Adventure: Part Two
Cordie did not awake until small hands lifted him up and began to stroke him. The plushie Noil began to purr as the speckled Aisha read her book and allowed him to rest peacefully in her lap. So it went. Exhausted and starving, Cordie slept, waking only when a reader would scoop him up, settle him on their laps and pet him.

by 77thbigby


Reign of Ice: Part Three
“No time for sarcasm, get me out of here!” Brendon was frantic. Irena started looking around for something she could use to pull her brother out of the quicksand. “This is why Mom never takes us on her vacations,” she muttered to herself.

by neolikepets

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