A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 194,011,715 Issue: 732 | 13th day of Hunting, Y18
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by lyndsey4657

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Great stories!


The Vine of Destiny: Book 1, The Apprentice Pirates: Part One
“By Fyora…” Jacques gasped, “Who would be crazy enough to sail a dinghy in the middle of the Maraquan Circle?!” “Somebody who doesn’t know the first thing about the sea would be my guess.” Garin replied as he looked through a spyglass and spotted a pair of Neopian girls clinging to the mast of their dinghy as it was tossed by the waves.

by teamchao466


Messi's Meowclops'
It was the year 18 in Neopia and a small litter of new meowclops had wandered through the Haunted Woods toward the magical smell of Faerieland. There were four of them in the family and they had been separated from their mother for a few hours now.

by wildprincessxoxo


Magma Blaster Game Guide
The citizens of Tyrannia live a good life at times. They attend concerts, they can visit the war memorial or perhaps town hall. Things are not always wonderful in Tyrannia. Recently their volcano has been erupting and throwing large numbers of boulders into the air and threatening the citizens of Tyrannia. What they need are some heroes to step up and defend them. Are you such a hero?

by sanford3581


Put Your Party Pants On: TVD
Tyrannian Victory Day is upon us once again, and you know what that means, a 24-hour long PARTY! But what does one wear to a Tyrannian Victory Day party, you ask? Wonder no more because I am here to help.

by oreo2135

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