Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 194,011,715 Issue: 732 | 13th day of Hunting, Y18
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Mad Scientist Is Mad

by brenda_bbm

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Cordilion's Big Adventure: Part Two
Cordie did not awake until small hands lifted him up and began to stroke him. The plushie Noil began to purr as the speckled Aisha read her book and allowed him to rest peacefully in her lap. So it went. Exhausted and starving, Cordie slept, waking only when a reader would scoop him up, settle him on their laps and pet him.

by 77thbigby


The Vine of Destiny: Book 1, The Apprentice Pirates: Part One
“By Fyora…” Jacques gasped, “Who would be crazy enough to sail a dinghy in the middle of the Maraquan Circle?!” “Somebody who doesn’t know the first thing about the sea would be my guess.” Garin replied as he looked through a spyglass and spotted a pair of Neopian girls clinging to the mast of their dinghy as it was tossed by the waves.

by teamchao466


NeoPaper: Jelly Pet at Mealtime
Observe: a Jelly pet's surreal majesty, as she devours her meal.

by mbredboy31


The Perils of Customisation
Nobody had thought about that...

by ngf57

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